An Explanation For The Ice Age

It's ironic when evolutionists theorize that just by getting really cold, the climate can produce vast ice sheets, sometimes a mile thick, when that doesn't happen today and hasn't happened for thousands of years. Hasn't it been really cold at least once in all that time? Isn't it really cold in some places today? Why no ice sheets, then?

The problem is, to create all that falling snow and ice in order to create the ice sheets, you have to have a LOT of evaporation. But evaporation on that scale would only happen if it got REALLY hot. But how can you have really hot and really cold at the same time?

What happened is, when "the waters of the great deep" broke open during Noah's Flood," they undoubtedly triggered volcanoes, which erupted worldwide and when the seams in the earth's crust split. The volcanoes poured rivers of lava into the oceans, and also belched enormous clouds of ash smoke into the atmosphere. The hot lava heated up the oceans, causing huge amounts of water to evaporate. Simultaneously, the ash clouds from all the volcanoes rapidly circled the earth, which in turn reflected back the sun's rays. This drastically cooled the earth, especially in the northern latitudes. (Even the poles used to be tropical jungles before the Flood).

Petrified tree stump in - Antarctica?

Higher in the atmosphere, where all that ocean water had evaporated, it was much colder. All that evaporated ocean water turned to snow and ice, which fell in huge amounts in the northern regions (the earth probably also tilted on its axis, created the poles). All the falling snow and ice, in places like Canada/upper North America, northern Europe, northern Asia, and the poles (the places furthest from the equator), piled up to create the huge, continent-covering ice sheets.

All this happened within the first few hundred years of the Flood. It also explains why the "Neanderthal" Man bones from ancient man (post-Flood) are often bent and stooped - because of the lack of vitamin D from sunlight due to the ever-present ash cloud.

All this information is logically deduced from the Bible, and it completely supports the authenticity and historicity of Scripture.