How Evolution Undermines The Bible

The theory of evolution flatly contradicts Genesis, Jesus, and the apostles, and sets itself to be in authority over them. Even renowned atheist Richard Dawkins admits that Genesis teaches a young world (though he doesn't believe it).

To accept evolution, one must:

* Deny the plain meaning of Genesis chapter 1.
* Believe in death before sin, instead of death only after Adam's sin.
* Believe that God called millions of years of death, disease, bloodshed, and suffering "very good" (Gen. 1:31).
* Reject that Adam was the first man according to Paul (I. Cor. 15:45).
* Believe that Genesis was wrong when it says that Eve was "the mother of all living" (Gen. 3:20).
* Believe in a local, not global, Flood, contradicting Genesis 7:17-23.
* Believe that Noah was a buffoon to spend almost a century building a ship when he could have just escaped it by traveling a few days to a non-flooded region.
* Believe that God broke His promise thousands of times with the rainbow that He would never again destroy the world with a Flood.
* Ignore the specific Hebrew meaning of the word "day" (i.e. "yom") in Genesis chapter 1, indicating that God created all things in only six, 24-hr. days.
* Believe that Jesus was wrong when He placed Adam and Eve at the BEGINNING of creation (Matt. 19:4) - not near the very end where they would be if evolution were true.
* Deny Exodus 20:8-11 which affirms that the six days of Creation were literal, not figurative.

This subject isn't necessarily a salvation issue - but it **IS** an authority issue. What is your ultimate authority? Man's fallible theories? Or God's infallible Word?