To accept evolution, one must:
* Deny the plain meaning of Genesis chapter 1.
* Believe in death before sin, instead of death only after Adam's sin.
* Believe that God called millions of years of death, disease, bloodshed, and suffering "very good" (Gen. 1:31).
* Reject that Adam was the first man according to Paul (I. Cor. 15:45).
* Believe that Genesis was wrong when it says that Eve was "the mother of all living" (Gen. 3:20).
* Believe in a local, not global, Flood, contradicting Genesis 7:17-23.
* Believe that Noah was a buffoon to spend almost a century building a ship when he could have just escaped it by traveling a few days to a non-flooded region.
* Believe that God broke His promise thousands of times with the rainbow that He would never again destroy the world with a Flood.
* Ignore the specific Hebrew meaning of the word "day" (i.e. "yom") in Genesis chapter 1, indicating that God created all things in only six, 24-hr. days.
* Believe that Jesus was wrong when He placed Adam and Eve at the BEGINNING of creation (Matt. 19:4) - not near the very end where they would be if evolution were true.
* Deny Exodus 20:8-11 which affirms that the six days of Creation were literal, not figurative. |