If Noah's Flood Was Merely Local
Despite the plain reading of Genesis, many people claim that Noah's Flood was merely a local flood. Virtually everyone who holds to this view does so to make it agree with evolution, since a global Flood would have obliterated supposed evidence for uniformitarianism. |
However, if Noah's Flood was merely local: 1. Why did Noah take birds on board? They could have simply flown out of the flood zone. |
8. How could a local flood deposit a huge ship like the ark on top of a mountain in Ararat? |
9. Genesis 7:19-23 makes it crystal clear that it was a GLOBAL Flood: ALL the high mountains under the ENTIRE heavens were covered, and EVERYTHING with the breath of life in its nostrils died. Noah could not have personally known this information, so it was revealed to him by God. How much clearer could the Lord have been? |