Polystrate Tree Trunks

According to evolutionists, the geologic layers of the earth were laid down over millions of years. These supposedly accumulated layer by layer, one stacked over the other, gradually over an almost infinite amount of time. Evolutionists typically use these layers to date fossils in the evolutionary timeline. It seems like a logical method, and it's easy enough to see these layers, especially in places like the Grand Canyon.
There are two problems with this interpretation. First, is a gradual accumulation over millions of years the only explanation for these layers? Wouldn't, say, a global deluge like Noah's Flood cause sediments to accumulate the same way over a short period of time (vs. millions of years) as the floodwaters receded? Of course they would. However, a global Flood would destroy evidence of uniformitarianism, so evolutionists have to deny it.

8th grade evolutionary indoctrination

The second problem with the geologic layers supposedly taking millions of years to accumulate is that we have fossils that throw a giant monkey wrench into that possibility. They are called "polystrate fossils." In this case, polystrate tree trunks.

What trees normally do when they fall - they rot

First, when a tree falls it usually doesn't fossilize. It rots and decomposes back into the soil matrix. It only fossilizes when it's quickly buried in mineral-rich water, and the minerals replace the tree components, enabling it to turn to stone. This often occurs with the tree trunk sitting vertically, bisecting allegedly millions of years of accumulated rock strata. If evolution was really true, how could this happen? A tree trunk isn't going to wait millions of years for strata to accumulate around it; it would have long since turned to dust. Therefore, the strata must have accumulated quickly. But according to the evolutionary timeline, the strata is supposed to be millions of years old! How can this conundrum possibly be reconciled? The only logical and scientific explanation is that the strata was laid down quickly - and that it's not millions of years old, but rather hours or days old. This explanation fits nicely with the account of Noah's Flood recorded in Genesis chapters 6-10. It also shows that the rock layers aren't millions of years old, but rather thousands of years old.

Some examples of polystrate tree trunks