What If Adam And Eve Weren't Real?
If evolution is true, then man evolved from the apes, through a series of hundreds of thousands or millions of mutations too small to be observed. Thus, Adam had parents indistinguishable from him - and they had parents, etc, etc, for thousands of generations. Meaning that he wasn't really created from the dust as Genesis states, nor was he the first man. This would have made him completely allegorical. Anyone from his family line, going up or down the genealogical chain, could have been "the first man," meaning that the biblical Adam never really existed, except as some kind of symbolic representation. Eve was called "the mother of all living" (Genesis 3:20). But this is also false, since she had parents, and they had parents, etc, etc, going back to the chimpanzees. |
Outside of Genesis, Adam is mentioned by the prophets and apostles 12 times in the Bible, and Eve twice. 14 references seems strange for two people who never existed, especially since they're never referred to as allegories but as real people. |
Genesis chapter 3 describes a historical Adam and Eve in a place called Eden. But if those people never really existed, then that event never happened, either. But if there was no literal Fall, then why did Jesus feel it necessary to suffer and die on a cross for us? Perhaps because we just *want* to sin? But if there is no "sin nature" that everyone inherits, then why does everyone sin? If we can just choose to not sin, why don't I know any sinless people? If evolution is true, then the disintegration of Scripture continues. We didn't inherit a sin nature from Adam because there was no Adam. There was no rebellion in the Garden and there was no Curse on creation. Death has always been a part of Creation, since the foundation of the world (paleontologists have evidence, for example, that dinosaurs had cancer). So, when Revelation 22:3 tells us that in the new heavens and new earth there will no longer be any "Curse" - then that was something He placed on Creation apart from man? |
Lastly, if there was no literal Adam and Eve, then the detailed genealogical record in Genesis 5:3-32 is also fabricated, because there was no literal Adam to produce a son Seth; therefore, the detailed chronological family line, with the ages of their births and deaths, is also allegorical. If there was no literal Adam, there was no Seth to produce Enosh, no Enosh to create Kenan, etc, etc - all the way down to Noah, all the way to Abraham. There was no literal Abraham? *He* was real, you say? So, at what point in the genealogical line in Genesis do the individuals stop being allegorical and start being literal, and what is the hermeneutical justification for that? |
Compromising the plain meaning of God's word and trying to appease godless evolutionists who couldn't care less is not a "fringe issue," as I was once told by a Christian. Evolutionists have stated, "Evolution is a universal acid; it eats through just about every traditional concept..." This would also include Scripture. Far from being a fringe issue, it's an invasive cancer that destroys what it touches. |