Dinosaurs And Man:

[Drawing from Dinosaurs By Design by Dr. Duane Gish]
There exist so many reports and accounts of supposedly extinct "prehistoric" land animals found still living, that I scarcely know where to begin. This section is by far the largest one to cover. I will attempt to highlight in this section some of the more interesting examples of living dinosaurs.


The Ica Stones - In 1955 Dr. Javier Cabrera, of Ica, Peru, collected over 20,000 ancient and decorated stones, which were created by the indigenous Indians of the area. Portrayed on the stones are images of men and various dinosaurs, including Tyrannosaurus rex, Triceratops, Apatosaurus, Stegosaurus, Pterodactyls, and dragon-like creatures among others (some of the stones even have men riding the dinosaurs like horses!)
    These stones have an oxidized "patina" on the etchings, which prove that they are not recent in origin, since such a patina only appears with great age. Furthermore, Dr. Cabrera presented samples of these stones to two national universities in Peru, as well as to NASA, for verification and authentication. All the tests showed conclusively that these stones are of great age (at least 1,000 years old). [Ironically enough, when evolutionary investigators were presented with this evidence, they still refused to believe that man and dinosaurs could have lived together. This is a perfect example of how the "evolution-only" explanations of most evolutionists precede their observations, contrary to the way historians examine evidence and draw conclusions].

Ancient Ica Stone of Peru

The Geelong Advertiser, of Victoria, Australia, reported in July 1845 about the finding of unfossilized bone forming part of the knee joint of some gigantic animal. The paper reported showing it to a local Aboriginal person. He identified it immediately as a "bunyip" bone, and unhesitatingly drew a picture of the creature (below):

[Picture courtesy of Creation ex nihilo magazine]

    This creature - named by the aboriginees as the "Geelong Bunyip" - was said to be amphibious, laid eggs, and was apparently a bipedal reptile. One of the Aboriginals named Mumbowran, showed "several deep wounds on his breast made by the claws of the animal" (Geelong Advertiser, July 1845).

An animal was reported in Australia called a "Burrunjor," and the description of this Australian animal is very similar to an Allosaurus, a smaller version of the well known Tyrannosaurus. In 1950, cattlemen on the border between the Northern Territory and Queensland reported losing livestock to a strange beast which left mutilated, half eaten corpses in its destructive wake. A part Aboriginal tracker also claimed to have seen a bipedal reptile, 7-8 meters (25 feet) tall, moving through the scrub near Lagoon Creek on the Gulf Coast in 1961.

An animal well known to the native pygmies of the People's Republic of Congo in Africa is the "Mokele-Mbembe," and they describe it as a creature which stays to the lakes and rivers and hardly ever ventures out onto land. It reportedly has an elephant like body, a small head on a long, serpentine neck, and a long, heavy tail which tapers to a point.

Natives who have been shown drawings of sauropod dinosaurs have always, without prompting,  identified the mokele-mbembe with either an Apatosaurus or Diplodocus (both supposedly long since extinct), albeit a smaller version. Interestingly enough, the People's Republic of Congo isn't the only country in Africa which has reports of this kind of animal. The Central African Republic and Gabon have reported similar creatures (The Unexplained,  Dr. Karl Shuker, p.92, Carlton Press, 1996).

A second large creature reported from the wilds of Africa is the "Emela-ntouka." This name means "killer of elephants" because the natives of Congo say that it defends its territory against intruding elephants and hippos by stabbing and disemboweling them with a single long, ivory horn coming from the tip of its nose. It is said to be as large or larger than an elephant (perhaps displacing the elephant as the largest living land animal?). Again, since the Congo has so many accessibility problems, it is the perfect place - perhaps even the only place - where such a large animal could remain undetected in our modern age.


The respected Greek explorer Herodotus described small, flying reptiles in ancient Egypt and Arabia around 460 B.C. These animals sound amazingly like the small dinosaur Rhamphorhynchus. They had the same snake-like body and bat-like wings. He said that these animals could sometimes be found in the spice groves. The well-known Greek, Aristotle, said that in his time it was common knowledge that creatures like this also existed in Ethiopia. Similar animals (three feet long) were described in India by the geographer Strabo ("The Great Dinosaur Mystery" by Paul Taylor, p.44).

The Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas has long been a source of fossilized dinosaur tracks. In 2000, one Alvis Delk made a shocking discovery - a human footprint that was partially stepped into by a dinosaur! Because of the fossilized mud push-up around the edges, it was proved not to be a forgery. The print(s) currently resides in the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, TX.)

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